Brick House
This design is characterized by strong and robust architectural style. Brick homes feature either full brick walling or veneer brick work over timber framing. This is a classic American home.
Contemporary House
With new, interesting and often unique architectural design, these houses make a statement. This home style is renowned for its modern, high-tech interiors. Today, contemporary houses often incorporate cutting-edge technology and green building practices.
Craftsman Style
Influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement, this traditional American design has been used since the 1860s. These houses typically feature low roof lines, large overhangs, and covered porches built with mixed materials and high quality workmanship. Its design is both artistic and practical for the American dream home.
Post & Beam and Timber Truss
This home style is constructed with timber frames and traditional wooden joinery, which is left visible on the inside and outside to showcase its beautiful carpentry.
Traditional House
These fairly modest single-level houses are constructed mainly from timber and wood cladding. It’s practically designed for a person at the forefront of design who also wishes to incorporate good outdoor space.